Friday, June 24, 2016

Cast In Secret - Michelle Sagara

Cast In Secret by Michelle Sagara
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

These books read like police procedurals with a smart-mouthed officer with a blinding weakness for children, but in a world overflowing with mysterious magic and cool species. So not really action-oriented, but gripping if you enjoy investigations that involve talking to witnesses and putting the pieces together. All of that builds to the end, when I find myself reading so fast I forget to blink. All without swords! (However, there are knives.)

The investigations are centered on crimes, but the more fascinating mysteries are the magic and world with its multiple species, and these really take center stage. Each book so far has illuminated a new aspect of the world and magic, becoming more intriguing as the picture clears. I don't always understand everything at first, but I get a general idea and carry on, and it becomes more clear as it goes. I love that it feels like there's so much left to learn in future books, too.

This book in particular illuminates the Tha'alani, one of the mortal races. I really enjoyed them much more than I expected!

Kaylin is still impulsive and driven mostly by instinct when it comes to magic, but she's learning. She's also learning to keep her mouth shut occasionally. To say anymore than that would be to spoil it, so I won't. Enjoy.

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