Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Oath of Fealty - Elizabeth Moon

Oath of Fealty by Elizabeth Moon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed every moment of reading this book. It had a cozy feeling of homecoming to it that I didn't want to rush through. I enjoyed the multiple viewpoints, and was disappointed every time the viewpoint switched, but then got sucked into the new one very quickly. I can't think of a time that I was bored. It's very much a 'setting the stage' novel, but I felt no impatience. I just really enjoyed the experience of following the characters as they figured out their new roles and set things to rights wherever they could.

I love that all the main characters are honorable and deserving, even though they still have a lot to learn and plenty of growing to do. Some readers may think they're too good, but I find it so refreshing in these days of grim and morally gray fantasy. These are characters that I can like and root for.