Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Review: Journey of Dominion

Journey of Dominion
Journey of Dominion by Shawna Thomas

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

**Some spoilers. Nothing very specific, but revealing aspects of the overall story arc.

The Triune Stones is one of those fantasy series that I really want to love but instead find myself feeling let down. I like the world, the quest, and the magic system. I like the healer-warrior aspect of the main character, and the cultures that she travels to. I am absorbed while reading, my attention captured.

So what is missing?

Journey of Dominion has a promising start. A few years have passed since the end of the previous book, and Ilythra has matured. I really liked her new supporting character, and was poised to forgive what was lacking in the first book and settle in to enjoy this one. And then, it just... stalled.

**Skip the next 2 paragraphs if you don't want spoilers**

Ilythra gets into a situation, doesn't recognize that she's in deep trouble, and spends the rest of the book unable to get herself out of it. If she had a clue and ever actually struggled or made a break for it, I would have been happier. Instead, she is completely powerless, entirely passive, and in the end has to be rescued. She is unable to use any of the multitude of opportunities to break free herself. I found this extremely frustrating. I feel like Ilythra should have been stronger somehow, able to do more for herself.

In addition, after this great struggle, nothing was accomplished towards the greater goal of the series. I expected at least some progress, but Ilythra can do no more than run away with her tail between her legs. There's also no resolution or help for the slavery and poverty in the city she ends up fleeing. I wish there had been something to show for her captivity, but there's really nothing. I suppose since this is the second in a trilogy, it could be setting up the last book (I sincerely hope these things are addressed in the third!). As far as I can tell, the only point of the second book is to show Ilythra how naive and powerless she really is, and to cast the fate of her quest into doubt.

**Done with spoilers**

I also have a problem with the attitude towards sexual relationships in this series. I prefer sex to be about love, not lust, and not something that characters try out with multiple people. In this series, Ilythra falls in lust with too many people too easily, and doesn't seem to understand what love is. She's really stupid about it, actually. I'm hoping the last book resolves this for me. I realize it's not something that would bother everyone, but I guess I'm old fashioned in my ideas about what makes a good romance.

All of that said, I am still really looking forward to reading the last book! I'm unwillingly hooked, I suppose. A lot needs to happen to satisfy me, but there's so much potential here for a really strong wrap-up. I hope it delivers, but am trying not to get my hopes up too much at the same time, given my ultimate disappointment with the first two books.

**Received free arc for review.

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