My rating: 5 of 5 stars
For those of you who haven't discovered the world of the Raksura:
Seriously, if you have more than a passing interest in fantasy and enjoy being immersed in a lush world with interesting cultures and a huge variety of sentient species - not to mention a full cast of endearing characters - you need to read the Books of the Raksura. Start with The Cloud Roads. You will appreciate the novellas much more if you're already invested in the world.
It's not your typical western-medieval-style epic fantasy with huge, world-devastating conflicts of one or two peoples who wield swords and maybe bows and spears (not that those aren't fun). This is an entire world full of wonder with a huge variety of life and endless possibilities for danger and adventure. Plus, winged shape-shifters with retractable claws for weapons make for some different types of fight scenes.
We see danger up close as it affects a clan of Raksura and those around them, but this world is too vast and varied for it to be so simple as good vs. evil. It's definitely not like any other world I've read about, and certainly not any version of ours that I can recognize. It's much more complex and imaginative than that, and I love it.
This world is seriously one of my all-time favorites. There's a lot of competition out there for the top spots, and these are solidly on that list. I've never read anything like them, and that's saying a lot.
It's OK if you don't love it as much as I do (that is allowed!), but you could really be missing out on something wonderful if you don't give it a try. Go read it!
Now for existing Raksura fans:
This is another set of fantastic stories about the Raksura. I only wish they were longer, and I want more! I don't usually find shorter fiction very satisfying, especially series tie-ins, but these novellas are so much more than that. They are explorations of a world that are told at just the length that’s needed for the story. They’re not teasers. They are gripping and fully textured, even when there's not a lot of action going on. There are so many details about life in the Court that I wish I lived there, and then when something does happen, the sense of danger is immediate.
I miss it all when I'm done - just the feel of the world and my friends there. That's rare, I think, and is what makes all of the Raksura books an easy 5 stars for me, even the novellas.
The Dead City
This is the first novella in the collection. It takes us back to Moon before he found his people when he was routinely ostracized, and so it was hard to read at times. It's amazing that with all the abuse he receives from Groundlings, he still wants to help them when their village is threatened by a hostile species. There is plenty of shifting and claw action in this one, but I did miss the other Raksura. Even though the story is very good, it's sad because Moon is so alone. Raksura should not be alone! I had to remind myself that he does find his way later on.
Bonus Short Stories
Three short stories are included between the novellas that are not listed in the book description. They are:
★ Mimesis - Jade and her hunting group run into some trouble.
★ Trading Lesson - A very short snapshot of another court coming to trade at Indigo Cloud. (No action here.)
★ The Last Voyage of the Wind-ship Escarpment - A wind-ship's crew is hired to ransom a ship captured by pirates and runs into trouble. I hope to read more about the crew someday. It was short, but I'm attached to them already. This just proves that there's much to explore in this world beyond the Raksura. Endless possibilities, I hope.
I still find short stories just too short to be satisfying, but these were nice as bonuses. I'm really glad that they were in the middle, because it saved the best for last...
The Dark Earth Below
I really loved this story. It's a bit longer than the first novella, and there are actually two story lines, which adds depth. First, waiting for Moon and Jade's first clutch to arrive. This offers a good view of the colony's life at peace after they've settled in to their home. Then of course, that peace is broken and things get exciting. (Yes!) All of my favorite characters receive a moment or two in the spotlight, and we also learn more about the Kek and the ground level of the Reaches. Lots of fun!
This last story was enough to make me homesick at the end of it. You know that gaping hole you feel when you realize you have to leave one of your favorite worlds again? Yep.
At least I know there's a new series of full-length Raksura books starting next year (!!!). I can't wait for The Edge of Worlds: A Novel of the Raksura. Funny how the future looks brighter just knowing that it's coming.
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