The Dark Enquiry by Deanna Raybourn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This was fun, for the most part. The part that started to drag was Julia getting lectured and chastened by both her husband and father. I know it's appropriate to the time period, but still. Yes, she's reckless. No, she never listens to any advice. But why should marrying Brisbane have changed any of that? Isn't it time to come to terms with this and find a suitable compromise? I believe it's driven the plots as far as it can.
Thankfully, the last part of the book moved beyond this tired conflict to the mystery at hand. I did feel that the mystery was only haphazardly explored throughout, but that did leave a surprise or two at the end. I've decided I don't really read this series for a tight, convoluted mystery, though. None of the sequels have been able to match up to the first book on that score, but I enjoy them nonetheless. This is more about Julia and Brisbane's relationship (which we get to see plenty of in this one), the scrapes Julia gets herself into by being impetuous, the rescuing Brisbane has to do, and the other relationships to both of them (Julia's siblings, the gypsies, etc). I love all the characters, including the minor ones and the villains - well, except for when they're being completely exasperating. And of course I love the Victorian setting, which Raybourn brings to life wonderfully. That's what I love to read this series for.
So I'm looking forward to the next one! The last couple of pages made it clear there will be another, and I'll be watching for it.
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