Sabriel by Garth Nix
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I really enjoyed Sabriel. I didn't have any expectations going in, and found it a unique and enjoyable ride. Set in an alternate early 20th Century England, Sabriel knows little more about the magical Old Kingdom across the wall than we do, and we all have to figure it out while on the run towards unknown danger in a kingdom that is clearly falling apart. As matters become more obviously serious, we encounter the malicious dead not staying in death, and Sabriel's incomplete training as a necromancer barely keeps her ahead of the game. The magic is at times gruesome (since the dead are generally in decay), and other times beautiful (loved the paper wing!).
There's a little bit of romance that felt somewhat underdeveloped. It's not the usual kind of insta-love, but since it's not delved into very much along the way, it does feel like it emerges somewhat out of the blue. All of a sudden, the characters feel something differently, and you're not sure how they got there.
All in all, it's a fascinating story with death and darkness, mystery and danger, and just enough light and love to carry you forward. At the end, I feel as if I now know enough about this world to realize how deep this crisis could go - I'm looking forward to reading the next one.
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