My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This is definitely a slow-moving series. I knew it from the first book, but I didn't feel it as much then. Maybe I should have taken a break before starting book two, because I found myself a bit impatient at the slowness this time around. I felt like events had built to a point in the last book that I was anxious for more to happen, only to have it spread out more and begin to build all over again.
So, the pace is slow. Not much actually happens in this installment. It is a second book, and it feels like it. I couldn't believe that one character's situation really did not change at all until near the end. And Liath went back to the same problem she had before, and I really, really want some major development in that area soon!
I already knew it wasn't an action-driven series. But being character-driven means I care about those I already know and want to get back to them, and to see changes for them. It felt like a long time before I had any quality time with Alain or Liath. They were mainly viewed through minor characters' eyes at first. That's the main reason I was feeling impatient.
I did like the perspective of Rosvita, the scholar nun, and I hope we get plenty more of her in future books because she's one of my favorites. But there were other new and side characters who got a lot more attention for the first half of the book and I was just waiting to see how they fit into anything important. I'm still kind of waiting on that. I'm sure it's coming if I can just be patient. For a seven book series, some development is to be expected.
Although I enjoy character-driven books, I do also like something to happen. It did, eventually. There was just a lot of buildup with the minor points of view. It didn't really start to pick up until after the halfway mark when the main characters finally came back into focus.
Although I was a bit impatient until that point, I really miss reading this. I keep thinking about it and wanting to get back to it. I'm loving the world, which feels so real, and there are moments of real emotion about the characters. That includes loathing - it's impossible not to loathe Hugh! I can't wait to see him brought low. I hope it's truly satisfying. And Sanglant - his part was so horrifying. I can't wait to read more about how he adjusts after what happened to him. I hope I don't have to wait long.
I am really tempted to go ahead and jump into the next book already, but I feel like I should take a break this time. I just know I need to be in the mood for savoring a slow mover. Maybe just a short break is enough and I'll be ready to get back into it.
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