My rating: 3 of 5 stars
So Terry Pratchett is definitely witty and clever, and I do enjoy his asides when I forget I'm searching for a story in the midst of it. The thing is, each of the three Discworld books I've completed so far took me some effort to get into in spite of appreciating the humor. Because the characters remain caricatures as the humor takes center stage. And I actually find it kind of boring.
It's not until late in each book that I started to be interested in what was actually happening. And the characters never quite made it out of caricature status. So I think that I can enjoy Pratchett's humor on a certain level, but I'm always a bit bored until the plot and characters actually start moving and doing something. Once that happens, I end up liking the books overall, and look forward to reading another one - only to be bored at first, wondering why I enjoyed the ones I read before.
And I leave you with that rambling attempt to understand how I both do and don't enjoy the books in this series, and will most likely continue to have this ambivalent experience for several more books in the future just because they end up being fun and clever in the end. They are a bit of a stretch for me, comfort-wise, and not what I would decide to read when I want to be completely absorbed in a book. But I still like them. I think.
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