Cinder by Marissa Meyer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Wow, Cinder might just be the most original fairytale retelling I’ve ever read. Translated into a dystopic future, with Cinder a cyborg mechanic, I am amazed at how well the tale was weaved into the story of a future world riddled with plague, prejudice against cyborgs, and earth-wide threat from a Lunar power. Getting all that to work with a Cinderella theme that includes all of the important bits - hats off to Meyer’s imagination. I’m impressed.
I do have to temper my ravings due to the bleakness that pervades the book. It’s something that often comes with a Dystopia, and it’s appropriate, but I still can’t ever bring myself to completely ‘enjoy’ something dark and hopeless feeling. So the rating is for my level of enjoyment while experiencing the book - and doesn’t match up to my brain’s appreciation of the cleverness and interest in the story that I still have in spite of the bleakness. That’s saying a lot. So is the fact that I want to move onto the sequel right away… I’m so glad I waited a while to pick this one up because of the cliffhanger ending. I only hope the sequel is as good.
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