Journey of Wisdom by Shawna Thomas
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Journey of Wisdom picks up right where Journey of Dominion left off, which is good because it was just getting interesting. I was happy to find that the story continues to develop in the kingdom of Greton even after llythra leaves, resolving some of my qualms about where matters stood at the end of the last book. This point of view is transferred to the prince as well as to Bredych (can’t wait to see him fall). We also get some scenes from Mohan’s perspective, and I feel like the added points of view bring a bit more complexity and interest to the story than just what Ilythra is doing. I think I would have liked the 2nd book better if this was the second half - taken together it’s a definite improvement!
A lot more happens in Journey of Wisdom, and I’m also liking Ilythra much more. She is maturing, learning from her mistakes, and getting stronger - and not falling into bed with everyone. I like her friendship with Mohan and with her horse, and I'm enjoying the addition of the Siobani. I'm looking forward to seeing how all the threads converge in the last book, and am hoping it includes the return of some of the peoples from books 1 & 2 as well.
There is still some awkwardness or lack of polish in the writing. At times there's too much detail, and at times not enough, and sometimes I would get a bit lost in a sentence or two. I'm not sure how to put my finger on it, but it’s not quite the level of quality of books that I normally read and I think it could use a better editor. Still, I like the story well enough to look past these shortcomings, and I believe the books are priced fairly at $2.50.
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