Once a Princess by Sherwood Smith
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Once a Princess had its fun moments, especially the parts relating to the pirate and crew. Sherwood Smith writes appealing heroes, and they're what keep me reading since the heroines tend to be frustrating (I've read two of her duologies now).
Aside from the pirate story line, it was just ok. It starts out in our world, but the main story is in another world that has magic. Once in the other world, the heroine continues to talk like an American and to make references to American culture - this is maybe natural for a two-world story, but I just like my fantasy to be less connected to the real world and these references kept intruding.
I also thought this was going to be YA, given the ridiculous cover (I only managed to get past the cover by the book being free). But it's not - the main character is a grad student, mid-twenties. She doesn't really feel that mature to me, even though she is very independent. Too independent, to the point of stubbornness at times. I felt like she should have been willing to accept more help since she was tossed into a world she only knew as a small child. It could have been more interesting if she developed relationships with those she met instead of refusing to trust anyone.
I'm sure this review is making you want to run out and buy this right away! I do have to say that there's something about Smith's writing that keeps me interested even when I'm silently objecting to the things that bother me. I wanted to finish the story and bought the sequel right away (but I also feel the two books should have been one). So I guess I liked it well enough, and it kept me entertained for a weekend, but it's not a high quality gem that I'll treasure forever.
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