The Secret Keeper: A Novel by Kate Morton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The Secret Keeper is my favorite of Kate Morton's so far. There is much here that is familiar from her other work - family secrets, switching time between generations to reveal those secrets gradually, and unexpected twists.
What is different about this novel is that it is more nostalgic than gothic in tone, which gives it a completely fresh feeling even though it also still feels like Kate Morton in style. The feeling of hope and anticipation of each character in their youth is both tangible and bittersweet, as if you already know the loss of that feeling even while you're closing your eyes and savoring it. If you have any memories of being a child playing outside on a hot summer day without a care in the world, your own memory enhances the nostalgia.
Whether it's the anticipation of youth, the tempered weight of regret later in life, or the 'seize the day' spirit of the Blitz in World War II London, Morton made me feel the hopes and losses of each character in each generation. She made me care what happened to them from the start so that the unfolding secrets mattered to me. And the twists were brilliant in this one. Loved it.
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