My rating: 4 of 5 stars
In Murder on Bank Street, we finally find out who killed Sarah's husband. These are not the most complex mysteries, but are perfect for a quick weekend read after a hectic and draining week, and do offer some surprises. The familiarity is comforting, and I like to see how the relationships develop, and I like that there are different types of relationships that are explored. Although, this is possibly the slowest developing romance I've ever read, and I'm really impatient for that to finally happen! At least there was just a fraction more between Sarah and Malloy than in the last couple of books or I might have thrown something in frustration. I almost did after the final scene, which was not at all satisfying enough. :)
I like how the side characters are getting more involved, but missed Sarah's strength and involvement in this one. Instead, Maeve becomes a more important character and really takes center stage, and I like the direction it seems to be taking with her. The Pinkerton detectives are another interesting development that I hope the series continues to explore. I've been wondering how this series could stretch on as long as it has, and maybe it has to do with expanding to other characters. I'm still perfectly happy to keep going and find out.
But once Sarah and Malloy get together, it had better be worth the wait - and on the page - or I really will throw something.